๐Ÿ“– Guide Documents


This chapter describes key components of the TGrid only in the conceptual level.

If you're not familar with theoretical stories, it's okay to skip to the next chapter Features > WebSocket Protocol.

Even you want to see the example codes, step to the Learn from Examples > Remote Funtion Call chapter.

Otherwise, let's study about the key components of the TGrid.

  • Communicator: network communication with remote system
  • Header: header value directly delivered after the connection
  • Provider: object provided for remote system
  • Driver: proxy instance for calling functions of the remote system's Provider


Sequence Diagram

Communicates with a remote system.

Communicator is a class taking full responsibility to network communication with remote system. You can register a Provider, an object would be provided to the remote system, to the Communicator. Also, Driver<Remote>, which can access to the remote system's Provider, is created by this Communicator.

For reference, actual Communicator is the top-level abstract class, and all the classes responsible for network communication in TGrid are inheriting from this Communicator class. Here is the list of every communicator classes in TGrid.

Web SocketWebSocketConnectorWebSocketAcceptor
Dedicated WorkerWorkerConnectorWorkerServer
Shared WorkerSharedWorkerConnectorSharedWorkerAcceptor


import { Driver, WebSocketConnector } from "tgrid";
import { ICalcConfig } from "./interfaces/ICalcConfig";
import { ICalcEvent } from "./interfaces/ICalcEvent";
import { ICalcEventListener } from "./interfaces/ICalcEventListener";
import { ICompositeCalculator } from "./interfaces/ICompositeCalculator";
export const webSocketClientMain = async () => {
  const stack: ICalcEvent[] = [];
  const listener: ICalcEventListener = {
    on: (evt: ICalcEvent) => stack.push(evt),
  const connector: WebSocketConnector<
  > = new WebSocketConnector(
    { precision: 2 }, // header
    listener, // provider for remote server
  await connector.connect("ws://");
  const remote: Driver<ICompositeCalculator> = connector.getDriver();
    await driver.plus(10, 20), // returns 30
    await driver.multiplies(3, 4), // returns 12
    await driver.divides(5, 3), // returns 1.67
    await driver.scientific.sqrt(2), // returns 1.41
    await driver.statistics.mean(1, 3, 9), // returns 4.33
  await connector.close();

Header value delivered after the connection.

Header is a value, delivered from client to server directly, after the connection.

Server can get the Header value through acceptor's header property.


import { Driver, WebSocketServer } from "tgrid";
import { ICalcConfig } from "./interfaces/ICalcConfig";
import { ICalcEventListener } from "./interfaces/ICalcEventListener";
import { CompositeCalculator } from "./providers/CompositeCalculator";
import { ScientificCalculator } from "./providers/ScientificCalculator";
import { SimpleCalculator } from "./providers/SimpleCalculator";
import { StatisticsCalculator } from "./providers/StatisticsCalculator";
export const webSocketServerMain = async () => {
  const server: WebSocketServer<
    | CompositeCalculator
    | SimpleCalculator
    | StatisticsCalculator
    | ScientificCalculator,
  > = new WebSocketServer();
  await server.open(37_000, async (acceptor) => {
    const config: ICalcConfig = acceptor.header;
    const listener: Driver<ICalcEventListener> = acceptor.getDriver();
    if (acceptor.path === "/composite")
      await acceptor.accept(new CompositeCalculator(config, listener));
    else if (acceptor.path === "/simple")
      await acceptor.accept(new SimpleCalculator(config, listener));
    else if (acceptor.path === "/statistics")
      await acceptor.accept(new StatisticsCalculator(config, listener));
    else if (acceptor.path === "/scientific")
      await acceptor.accept(new ScientificCalculator(config, listener));
    else await acceptor.reject(1002, `WebSocket API endpoint not found.`);
  return server;

Object provided for remote system.

Provider is an object provided for the remote system.

The remote system can call the Provider's functions through Driver<Remote>.


import { Driver, WebSocketConnector } from "tgrid";
import { ICalcConfig } from "./interfaces/ICalcConfig";
import { ICalcEvent } from "./interfaces/ICalcEvent";
import { ICalcEventListener } from "./interfaces/ICalcEventListener";
import { ICompositeCalculator } from "./interfaces/ICompositeCalculator";
export const webSocketClientMain = async () => {
  const stack: ICalcEvent[] = [];
  const listener: ICalcEventListener = {
    on: (evt: ICalcEvent) => stack.push(evt),
  const connector: WebSocketConnector<
  > = new WebSocketConnector(
    { precision: 2 }, // header
    listener, // provider for remote server
  await connector.connect("ws://");
  const remote: Driver<ICompositeCalculator> = connector.getDriver();
    await driver.plus(10, 20), // returns 30
    await driver.multiplies(3, 4), // returns 12
    await driver.divides(5, 3), // returns 1.67
    await driver.scientific.sqrt(2), // returns 1.41
    await driver.statistics.mean(1, 3, 9), // returns 4.33
  await connector.close();
$ npm start
30 12 1.67 1.41 4.33
  { type: 'plus', input: [ 10, 20 ], output: 30 },
  { type: 'multiplies', input: [ 3, 4 ], output: 12 },
  { type: 'divides', input: [ 5, 3 ], output: 1.67 },
  { type: 'sqrt', input: [ 2 ], output: 1.41 },
  { type: 'mean', input: [ 1, 3, 9 ], output: 4.33 }

Driver of RPC (Remote Procedure Call).

Driver is a proxy instance designed to call functions of the remote system. It has a generic argument Remote which means the type of remote system's Provider, and you can remotely call the functions of the Provider asynchronously through the Drive<Remote> instance.

When you call some function of remote Provider by the Driver<Listener> instance, it hooks the function call expression, and delivers the function name and arguments (parameter values) to the remote system through the Communicator. If the remote system suceeded to reply the result of the function call, Communicator resolves the promise of the function call expression with the result, so that makes Driver<Remote> working.

Otherwise exception is thrown in the remote Provider function, Communicator deliveries the exception instance instead to the remote system, so that actual exception being thrown from the Driver<Remote> instance.



You can run it on Playground Website (opens in a new tab), or local machine.

git clone https://github.com/samchon/tgrid.example.websocket
npm install
npm start