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Class WebConnector<Provider>

Web Socket Connector.

The WebConnector is a communicator class who can connect to websocket server and interact with it using RFC (Remote Function Call).

You can connect to the websocket server using connect() method. The interaction would be started if the server is opened by WebServer.open() and the server accepts your connection by WebAcceptor.accept().

Note that, after you business has been completed, please close the connection using close() or let the server to close itself. If you don't close the connection in time, it may waste vulnerable resources of the server.


Jeongho Nam http://samchon.org

Type parameters

  • Provider: object

    Type of features provided for remote system.






  • new WebConnector(provider?: Provider | null): WebConnector



  • get state(): WebConnector.State


  • get url(): string | undefined



  • close(code?: undefined | number, reason?: undefined | string): Promise<void>
  • Close connection.

    Close connection with the remote websocket system.

    It destories all RFCs (remote function calls) between this and remote websocket system (through Driver<Controller>) that are not returned (completed) yet. The destruction causes all incompleted RFCs to throw exceptions.

    If parametric code and reason are specified, it means the disconnection is abnormal and it would throw special exceptions (WebError) to the incompleted RFCs.


    • Optional code: undefined | number
    • Optional reason: undefined | string

    Returns Promise<void>


  • connect(url: string, protocols?: string | string[]): Promise<void>
  • Connect to remote websocket server.

    Try connection to the remote websocket server with its address and waiting for the server to accept the trial. If the server rejects your connection, then exception would be thrown (in Promise.catch, as WebError).

    After the connection and your business has been completed, don't forget to closing the connection in time to prevent waste of the server resource.


    • url: string

      URL address to connect.

    • Optional protocols: string | string[]

      Protocols to use.

    Returns Promise<void>

Protected destructor

  • destructor(error?: Error): Promise<void>
  • Destory the communicator.

    A destory function must be called when the network communication has been closed. It would destroy all function calls in the remote system (by Driver<Controller>), which are not returned yet.

    The error instance would be thrown to those function calls. If the disconnection is abnormal, then write the detailed reason why into the error instance.


    • Optional error: Error

      An error instance to be thrown to the unreturned functions.

    Returns Promise<void>


  • getDriver<Controller, UseParametric>(): Driver<Controller, UseParametric>
  • Get Driver for RFC (Remote Function Call).

    The Controller is an interface who defines provided functions from the remote system. The Driver is an object who makes to call remote functions, defined in the Controller and provided by Provider in the remote system, possible.

    In other words, calling a functions in the Driver<Controller>, it means to call a matched function in the remote system's Provider object.

    • Controller: Definition only
    • Driver: Remote Function Call

    Type parameters

    • Controller: object

      An interface for provided features (functions & objects) from the remote system (Provider).

    • UseParametric: boolean

      Whether to convert type of function parameters to be compatible with their pritimive.

    Returns Driver<Controller, UseParametric>

    A Driver for the RFC.


  • getProvider(): Provider | null
  • Get current Provider.

    Get an object providing features (functions & objects) for remote system. The remote system would call the features (Provider) by using its Driver<Controller>.

    Returns Provider | null

    Current Provider object


  • join(): Promise<void>
  • join(ms: number): Promise<boolean>
  • join(at: Date): Promise<boolean>

Protected replyData

  • replyData(invoke: Invoke): void
  • Data Reply Function.

    A function should be called when data has come from the remote system.

    When you receive a message from the remote system, then parse the message with your special protocol and covert it to be an Invoke object. After the conversion, call this method.


    • invoke: Invoke

      Structured data converted by your special protocol.

    Returns void


  • setProvider(obj: Provider | null): void

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